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发布时间: 2023-01-12 08:30

2021-09-15  Beef短语搭配  Lemon beef柠檬牛肉;宁檬牛肉  Leg Beef牛键肉;牛腱肉  beef tenderloin牛里脊;牛里脊肉;菲力牛排;烤牛排  beef用法例句  1、They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.  他们过去常买10公斤重的整块牛肉。  2、A tantalising aroma of roast beef fills the air.  空气中充满诱人的烤牛肉香味。  3、Beef now costs well over 30 roubles a pound.  牛肉现在卖到了每磅30多卢布。

roast beef 英[rəust bi:f] 美[rost bif] [释义] 烤牛肉,烧牛肉; [例句]Carol: well, you're going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!卡罗尔:唉,今晚你们又要吃烤牛肉和土豆了!

beef是不可数。I'm not eating as much beef as I used to.我不再像以前那样吃那么多牛肉了。Vegetarians can eat veggie burgers instead of beef burgers.素食者可以吃蔬菜汉堡,来取代牛日汉堡。You shouldn't eat too much beef because it's rich in fat.你不应该吃太多的牛肉,因为它富含脂肪。You should stew the beef for a couple hours so that it's nice and tender.你应该把牛肉炖几个小时,这样肉质会嫩滑。Do you want beef spaghetti or the vegetarian spaghetti?你是想要牛肉意面还是素食意面?

